
Manage talent effectively and retain it sustainably

Finding, attracting and retaining qualified talent is the number one success factor today. Learn more about proven methods for attracting and retaining your employees.
Find out more about proven methods for attracting and retaining your employees.

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Impact of geopolitical risks on the supply chain in the life science industry

Trade tensions and geopolitical risks can significantly impact the life sciences supply chain, which includes pharmaceuticals, medical devices or related products. Trade tensions lead to higher costs and lower availability, while geopolitical risks can lead to supply chain disruptions and shortages of key medical products. Given the importance of these products to human health, understanding and mitigating the impact of these risks is critical to ensuring the availability of important medical products and maintaining global health security.

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4 Strategies for attracting top talent in a competitive labor market

Attracting and retaining top talent a critical challenge for companies of all sizes. As companies compete for the best employees, the importance of a strong talent acquisition strategy has become more apparent than ever. A successful talent acquisition strategy can help a company not only attract the best talent, but also drive innovation, productivity and growth. In this context, knowing how to attract and retain top talent is critical for any company looking to gain an edge.

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Employer branding - the fundament of recruiting

Employer branding is the process of creating an employer brand and communicating it effectively through recruitment activities, career services, and digital channels (e.g., websites), and it primarily reflects companies' desire to stand out from the competition and be attractive to potential employees. So what exactly do employers need to create a successful employer brand? There are four main components: Mission/Vision, Values/Culture, Messaging (Target Audience) and Implementation Strategy. In this article, we give you our expertise.

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Accelerated Digitization-challenges & opportunities

Digitization is happening faster than ever. The term New Work is used everywhere. The same applies to the life science industry. Workplaces and working conditions are being redesigned and rethought. According to a recent Deloitte study with more than 12,000 surveyed experts in over 90 countries, one-third of all executives say that digital transformation has made a significant push. This push is visible in many processes and workflows. In the life science industry, digitization is also influencing the distribution of roles between the pharmaceutical industry and medical technology. The influence extends to interaction with the end customer. Experts see challenges in this, but also opportunities for the future.

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Cannabis as medicine

Since March 2017, any doctor of any specialty in Germany can prescribe medical cannabis under certain conditions. In countries such as China and Egypt, cannabis has been

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Project peak? Audits? Staff downtime?

Are you looking for new resources in permanent employment or in the form of freelance experts? We will find the right expert for your needs.

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