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The perfect interview: How you can best convince!

The application process can often be challenging and nerve-wracking. Whether you're about to graduate or preparing for a new career challenge, every step of the way to a new job should be well thought out. To help you put your best foot forward, we've developed a detailed interview guide. In this blog post, you'll find out how this guide can help you ace every interview.

Prepare yourself thoroughly

One of the keys to a successful interview is thorough preparation. At the beginning of our guide you will find valuable tips on how to best prepare for your interview. It is important not only to understand the company and its culture, but also to find out something about your interviewer. We also show you how to perfect your self-presentation. Use our simple formula “I am - I can - I will”to make your presentation structured and convincing.

Know the questions

Although interviews can be unpredictable, there are frequently asked questions that you can prepare for. Our guide contains a list of such questions and provides you with strategies to formulate authentic and convincing answers. This preparation will not only take away your nervousness, but will also allow you to present yourself as a reflective and interested candidate.

Understand the interview process

The job interview is more than just a question and answer game. It's a dialog that gives you the opportunity to show your best side. We take you through the different stages of a typical interview - from small talk, to your detailed self-introduction, to the final questions you should ask. Our guide explains how to use intelligent and thoughtful questions to show your interest and commitment.

Technical preparation for video interviews

Nowadays, many initial interviews take place online. Our guide therefore also offers you important tips on technical preparation for video interviews. Find out how to optimize your camera settings, lighting and background to make a professional impression.

After the interview

What you do after the interview can be just as important as the interview itself. We'll show you how to follow up effectively and reaffirm your interest in the position. A well-timed email can often make all the difference.

Stay authentic and self-confident

Last but not least, we give you practical advice for the day of the interview, including the dress code. With these tips, you will not only feel comfortable, but also confident.


Our comprehensive interview guide is an essential tool for anyone looking for a new career challenge. Not only does it provide sound guidance through all stages of the interview process, it also prepares you to impress with confidence and competence.

Ready to take the next step in your career? Download our complete interview guide now and take the first step towards your dream job!

About Vality One

We support companies in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical technology sectors in their search for highly qualified personnel on a permanent basis and via contracting. In doing so, we cover the entire value chain of your company and the entire product life cycle of your drug or medical product.

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