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Professional training at home: These options exist

Corona has been dominating our daily lives for a good year now. But short-time work and home office are not only a challenge, they also offer plenty of opportunities, for example time for targeted further training.

Especially in the current time, remote learning offers a good possibility to study from the home office. Depending on the requirements for training, there are various options. In this article, we would like to show you why learning is important in this day and age, how it can be successful, and what options there are for learning from home.

Staying on track - even in the home office

Throughout life, learning is a buzzword that should be familiar to almost everyone by now. And yet many people are not really aware of its importance.

The modern work environment is subject to constant change in almost every industry. If you don't stay on track, you continually lose important know-how. In order to stay in touch with one's own industry, continuous learning should therefore be more than just a theoretical concept. This is especially true in the current situation. Experts believe that work and teaching will undergo lasting change as a result of the impact of the corona crisis.

You can also remain up-to-date now by continuing your education. You don't necessarily have to take lengthy courses or earn big certificates. Even the targeted learning of individual skills can help you offer your employer real added value and do a better job.

In addition, advanced training often qualifies you for a promotion or a more favorable job. After all, taking further studies at home is a sign of motivation, discipline and organizational skills. Afterwards, you can shine not only with new skills, but also with proven soft skills.

How home office training becomes a success

If you want to take advanced training from your home office, you should follow a few rules for satisfactory learning success. It is particularly important that you realistically estimate the effort required for a specific training program in advance. Most providers indicate the approximate number of hours per week required for successful completion. Think carefully about whether you can really manage the corresponding amount of learning over the entire duration of a course. Remember to plan enough time for your own recreation, hobbies and family despite learning and work.

If you have decided on a further education option, plan fixed learning times according to the required scope. The idea of learning when there is time is tempting, but usually not very successful. For more extensive training courses, create a personal schedule and follow it consistently. Also take note of the form in which examinations are to be taken and whether this is tied to specific dates.

Finally, if possible, set up a fixed place to study. Of course, you can study at your existing desk, but before each study session you should create an atmosphere that is conducive to the absorption of information. Minimize distractions, for example, do not study in front of the television or in the middle of children playing. Agree with family and roommates that you may only be disturbed while studying in emergencies. Also, make sure you take adequate breaks while studying and schedule enough time to review the material regularly.

These options are available - an overview

The market for digital training has grown strongly in recent years. In the following, we show you four categories of continuing education, name the most important providers in each case, and point out the advantages and disadvantages of the four types of online training.

Knowledge to go with learning apps

Learning apps are the fastest way to learn new knowledge in passing. These enable the targeted acquisition of individual skills. However, you should not be blinded by the promises of many providers: To make real progress, you need to learn in a structured and planned way, even with apps.

Learning apps are particularly widespread in the field of foreign language learning. The best-known providers here include, for example Duolingo, Babbel and Drops. Besides, there are also interesting learning apps for learning IT and programming skills. Mimo and Programmier-Hub Are the most important providers, which already offer very extensive coding courses.

The three main benefits of app-based learning are:

  • Fast learning in short sessions.
  • Ideal complement to larger continuing education programs.
  • Playful learning that's fun.

But, of course, this way of learning has some disadvantages. The two most important are:

  • In most cases, no certificates or credentials are earned.
  • Corresponding skills are learned rather superficially.

Inexpensive, structured continuing education with learning platforms

For those who don't necessarily want to invest a lot in their training, video courses have been increasingly available on special online learning platforms for some years now. A wide variety of skills can be learned in this way. In addition to the strongly represented courses on creative software, the topics of business and IT are particularly common. The most important providers in German-speaking countries are Udemy, LinkedIn Learning and Lecturio.

The three biggest advantages of this way of learning are:

  • Inexpensive continuing education with a large scope in some cases.
  • Completely digital courses in video form.
  • Completion of courses at individual learning pace.

The main disadvantages here are:

  • Supervision by course instructors usually only available to a limited extent.
  • No acquisition of meaningful certificates.

The classic: further education at a remote learning institute

The classic way of professional training in the home office can be the common distance learning providers. Particularly well-known are large providers such as ILS, SGD, Klett Fernakademie or HAF. A wide variety of courses can be taken here. In addition, there are a number of specialized providers, for example the BTB in the medical-therapeutic field.

However, always keep in mind that the institute's internal degrees are not officially accredited qualifications. Therefore, they will not stand out positively in every job application. If you can, choose a course with an IHK qualification. Many courses are now offered in this variant.

The advantages of this type of continuing education are:

  • Structured continuing education at a high level.
  • Close supervision by lecturers as well as regular checks on learning progress.
  • Free extension of the care time possible.

The biggest disadvantages here are:

  • High monthly costs with long course durations of mostly 12 to 24 months.
  • Cancellation of the contract is not straightforward if required.

For those with ambition: Advanced training at an academic level

If you would like to obtain a degree with high recognition, an advanced course of study at a remote university may be of interest to you. In addition to the classic bachelor's and master's degrees, you can also obtain university certificates and degrees as a UAS business administrator or technician here.There are officially accredited providers such as Fernuni Hagen, the WINGS-Fernstudium from Hochschule Wismar or the remote learning program offered by Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences. Particularly well known here, however, are the private providers such as Wilhelm-Büchner-Hochschule, DIPLOMA, Euro-FH or IU.

The advantages and disadvantages here are about the same as those of the classic distance learning providers. You should especially bear in mind that earning a bachelor's or master's degree part-time can quickly take twice as long as full-time. With this decision, you are therefore usually committing yourself to the corresponding further education for many years.

About Vality One

We support companies in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical technology sectors in their search for highly qualified personnel on a permanent basis and via contracting. In doing so, we cover the entire value chain of your company and the entire product life cycle of your drug or medical product.

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